This privacy policy explains how the PostJar app uses and collects your personal information.
In the current TestFlight version of PostJar no personal information is collected or shared by the app. If you connect the app to a Mastodon server, Bluesky or use with Neocities or then you should review their privacy policies for how they handle any data which is transmitted to them.
SwiftData and Appleās CloudKit are used in the app when you create jars, add accounts and posts. If you have iCloud enabled then you will have accepted the iCloud terms and conditions and be under its privacy policy.
When you add accounts to PostJar an identifier is added to the SwiftData database, and that identifier then used to reference a Keychain item containing your credentials.
PostJar does not have any advertising partners or use any third-party tracking services.
This privacy policy was updated on 4th March 2024. It may be updated from time to time, and will be updated before the app is released to the App Store.
You can email if you have any questions about this privacy policy.